Symposium Ambulatory Assessment

Kolloquium "Emotional instability, differentiation, regulation and clarity in healthies and patient"

20. Oktober (13.00 - 18.00)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

1) Ryan Carpenter (University of Missouri): "Hurt feelings: Momentary assessment of pain and mood."
2) Philip Santangelo (KIT): "Does self-injurious behavior regulate emotions in BPD?"
3) Tim Trull (University of Missouri): "New directions in Ambulatory Assessment."
4) Charlotte Arndt (University of Landau): "Measuring emotion differentiation: A critical perspective on time-based indices."
5) Johanna Hepp (University of Missouri/ Heidelberg): "Emotion differentiation and interpersonal problems in BPD."

6) Johanna Koehling (University of Heidelberg): "Dynamics of affect in depressed patients with and without borderline pathology."

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