Colloquium: Ambulatory Assessment to investigate physical activity and mood

June, 19th from 09:30 to 13:15
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)



  1. Birte von Haaren-Mack (University of Cologne, Germany): “Effects of aerobic exercise training on psychophysical stress reactivity to real-life stressors”
  2. Markus Reichert (KIT, Germany): “Novel approaches for investigating physical activity’s psychological and neurobiological correlates: Combining Interactive Ambulatory Assessment and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging”
  3. Elena Koch (KIT, Germany): “Mobile-Health intervention: Integrating video clips and automated real-time feedback in Ambulatory Assessment”
  4. Genevieve Dunton (University of Southern California, USA): “Ecological Momentary Assessment in Physical Activity Research: Examining Synchronicity, Sequentiality, and Instability”
  5. Martina Kanning (University of Konstanz, Germany): “How can we measure environmental effects on affective states and physical activity in everyday life?”
  6. Jutta Mata (University of Mannheim, Germany): “Healthy, happy, and beyond: The role of health behaviors for affect and other indicators of well-being”


Flyer (pdf)