Bachelor of Science in Sports Science (B. Sc.)

Objectives of the bachelor program

The Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) degree programme provides fundamental expertise in the fields of social sciences, natural sciences and medicine in the context of sport and movement. A special focus is also on communicating methodological competence. The students gain the knowledge to be able to carry out and evaluate their own empirical projects and qualify for various occupational fields as well as postgraduate courses (masters), which places emphasis firmly on research.

Structure of the degree program

The bachelor's programme comprises a total of 180 credit points (CP) and is designed to run over 6 semesters. As a rule, 30 credits have to be earned each semester, which corresponds to a full-time study of 3 years. After completing a bachelor's degree, there is the opportunity to deepen the knowledge acquired in a postgraduate master's program.

The Bachelor's degree programme consists of a core subject amounting to 120 credits and a mandatory elective amounting to 60 credits. The IfSS offers the core subject Sports Science as well as the mandatory elective Fitness and Health Management. Alternative electives are offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Core subject sports science

The core subject of sports science consists of a series of compulsory, elective and optional courses in the field of theory and topics in sports science as well as the theory and practice of sports, which are thematically grouped in modules.

Elective subject Fitness and Health Management

In the elective subject Fitness and Health Management, content from various areas of sports science are taught and deepened in relation to the target group as well as to the activity. The education in the elective subject is practice-oriented and offers students an early insight into potential occupations.

Career options

Graduates qualify through the competences acquired in the Bachelor's degree programme for activities in the following occupational fields (selection):

  • (Sports) Therapeutic facilities, clinics
  • Company (workplace health promotion)
  • Fitness and performance centres
  • Health insurance
  • Clubs, associations, municipalities (sports administration)
  • Sport tourism (fitness, wellness, rehabilitation)
  • Sports management, sports marketing
  • ...