Colloquium Ambulatory Assessment

September, the 12th., 13:00 - 18:00
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

1) Kristin Husen (University of Trier): EMA in patient-focused psychotherapy research: Improving treatment response predictions using EMA
2) Zarah Rowland (University of Mainz, Germany): The effect of mindfulness on affective dynamics
3) Philip Santangelo (KIT, Germany): Association between affect and dissociation in daily life: A comparison of two patient groups and two healthy control groups
4) Marlies Houben (Leuven, Belgium): Emotional reactivity to appraisals of daily life situations in patients with borderline personality disorder
5) Tim Trull (University of Missouri, USA): The importance of context in Ambulatory Assessment


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