Assessment of physical activity

Physical activity is measured in the field first by questionnaire and then by accelerometers.

Manual of the Physical Activity Questionnaire

Schmidt, S. C. E., Will, N., Henn, A., Reimers, A. K., & Woll, A. (2016). Der Motorik-Modul Aktivitätsfragebogen MoMo-AFB: Leitfaden zur Anwendung und Auswertung (KIT Scientific Working papers No. 53). Karlsruhe.

Physical Activity Questionnaire

The MoMo activity questionnaire records general physical activity in the past week or in a normal week, as well as everyday activities, club sports, recreational sports outside the club, and physical-sport activities in age-specific settings (school, kindergarten, workplace). For each of these activity areas, duration and frequency are asked. In addition, for sports activities (school sports, club sports, and recreational sports), the perceived intensity and seasonality are also recorded.

In the case of club sports and recreational sports outside of clubs, the corresponding types of sports and participation in competitions are also queried. The questionnaire serves to record the usual physical activity without referring to a specific past reference period. In addition, factors influencing physical activity, such as the physical activity environment and social support, as well as the physical self-concept and enjoyment of physical activity in children aged 11 years and older, are surveyed. Currently, three versions are distinguished: kindergarten children, school children/adolescents and adults. While this standardized survey is answered by participants aged 11 and older themselves, the 4-10 year olds complete it together with their guardians in an interview process.

Accelerometer (2017-2022)

Accelerometers (acceleration sensors) measure the acceleration occurring by means of a sensor worn on the hip. The devices can be used to objectively create an activity profile of the participants. The accelerometers are worn by the participants for seven days, they require no operation and can be used in almost all situations.


Burchartz, A., Manz, K., Anedda, B., Niessner, C., Oriwol, D., Schmidt, S. C. E., & Woll, A. (2020). Measurement of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior by Accelerometry Among a Nationwide Sample from the KiGGS and MoMo Study: Study Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(7), e14370.

 Accelerometer (MoMo 2.0)

Following current concepts for activity recording (WHO 2020; Tremblay et al., 2017; Burchartz et al., 2020), new content-related aspects such as the differentiated recording of physical inactivity (sedentary behavior, sleep) as well as new technological developments are included. Instead of the previous ActiGraph accelerometers, which only logged the waking hours of the day, ActivPAL accelerometers are now attached to the thigh and allow 24/7 recording.