IfSS Adventskalender 2023

Slider IfSS Adventskalender 2023

Hello and welcome to the Advent calendar of the Institute of Sport and Sports Science at KIT.

Similar to last year, behind each door of the Advent calendar there is no chocolate or other sweets, but an exercise to improve one of the motor skills strength, coordination, flexibility or endurance. With its fitness program, the Advent calendar is designed to help you stay fit and relaxed during the four busy weeks leading up to Christmas. The Advent calendar is structured in such a way that the one-minute exercises get a little harder from day to day. With this one minute a day, you are already making an important contribution to maintaining your health.

With this in mind, all the staff and managers of the Institute of Sport and Sports Science and University Sports at KIT wish you a wonderful and reflective Christmas season with an Advent calendar of a different kind!

You can also find all the videos of the Advent calendar on the IfSS YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/∂kitinstitutfursportundspor462