
Krafft, F. C.; Stetter, B. J.; Stein, T.; Ellermann, A.; Flechtenmacher, J.; Eberle, C.; Sell, S.; Potthast, W. (2020). Deficient knee joint biomechanics in bilateral jumping after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Clinical biomechanics, 77, Article no: 105048. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2020.105048
Stetter, B. J.; Herzog, M.; Möhler, F.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2020). Modularity in motor control : similarities in kinematic synergies across varying locomotion tasks. Frontiers in sports and active living, (2), Art.-Nr.: 596063. doi:10.3389/fspor.2020.596063VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Focke, A.; Steingrebe, H.; Möhler, F.; Ringhof, S.; Sell, S.; Potthast, W.; Stein, T. (2020). Effect of Different Knee Braces in ACL-Deficient Patients. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8, Article: 964. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2020.00964VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Stetter, B. J.; Möhler, F.; Krafft, F. C.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2020). Identification of fatigue-related kinematic changes in elite runners using a support vector machine approach. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 38 (1), Article no: 68. 
Honert, E.; Ostermair, F.; Krafft, F.; Von Tscharner, V.; Nigg, B. (2020). Foot and ankle kinetics and their interplay during a long duration run. Book of Abstract - Virtual 44th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, August, 4-7, 2020. 
Krafft, F.; Kiefer, T.; Stetter, B.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2020). Why is the left knee rather prone to injury during team handball-specific side-cutting maneuvers to the right?. ISBS Conference Proceedings Archive / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 38 (1), Art. 126/S. 496–499. 
Möhler, F.; Ringhof, S.; Derbertin, D.; Stetter, B.; Stein, T. (2019, Januar 16). The influence of fatigue on running coordination: a 3D uncontrolled manifold analysis. 16. Jahrestagung der Sektion Sportmotorik der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft - Adaptation, Lernen und virtuelle Welten (2019), Bern, Schweiz, 16.–18. Januar 2019. 
Bös, K.; Heeger I.; Wittelsberger R.; Sell S.; Wiemann S. (2019). Hausaufgaben für Patienten mit Gelenkersatz. Hofmann-Verlag. 
Steingrebe, H.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2019). Inter-session Reliability of Sagittal Plane Hip Proprioception Measurement in Healthy Younger Individuals. Book of abstracts : 24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 3-6 July 2019, Prague, CZ. Ed.: V. Bunc, European College of Sport Science (ECSS). 
Krafft, F.; Stetter, B.; Potthast, W.; Ellermann, A.; Flechtenmacher, S.; Eberle, C.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2019). Kinematic and Kinetic Compensations during Bilateral Landing Six Months after ACL Reconstruction. Book of Abstract of the 27th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB2019) and 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB2019), Calgary, Canada, July 31st - August 4th.
Möhler, F.; Stetter, B.; Ringhof, S.; Stein, T. (2019). Influence of fatigue on coordination in competitive runners. Progress in Motor Control XII : Movement Improvement, Amsterdam. 
Stetter, B.; Herzog, M.; Moehler, F.; Sell, S.; Stein Thorsten. (2019). Eine vergleichende Analyse modularer Kontrollstrategien bei unterschiedlichen alltagsrelevanten Lokomotionsaufgaben. Sport im öffentlichen Raum : 24. dvs-Hochschultag, Berlin, 18.-20. September 2019 : Abstracts. Hrsg.: A. Arampatzis, Feldhaus. 
Stetter, B.; Herzog, M.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2019). Similarities in modular control structures across varying locomotion tasks. Book of Abstracts of the 27th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB2019) and 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB2019), Calgary, Canada, Juli 31 - August 4, 2019, Calgary. 
Stetter, B.; Krafft, F.; Ringhof, S.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2019). Assessing knee joint forces using wearable sensors and machine learning techniques. Proceedings der DVS-Jahrestagung Biomechanik 2019, Konstanz, 10 - 12 April 2019. Hrsg.: M. Vieten, L. Assländer, H. Riehle, M. Gruber, 55–56, Universität Konstanz. 
Ulmar, B.; Dorn, T.; Dimitrov, N.; Mandache, A.-I.; Rehart, S.; Sell, S. (2019). Posttraumatische Rehabilitation von Patienten aus dem rheumatischen Formenkreis. Aktuelle Rheumatologie, 44 (1), 45–51. doi:10.1055/s-0044-100489
Stetter, B. J.; Buckeridge, E.; Nigg, S. R.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2019). Towards a wearable monitoring tool for in-field ice hockey skating performance analysis. European journal of sport science, 19 (7), 893–901. doi:10.1080/17461391.2018.1563634
Stetter, B., J.; Buckeridge, E.; Nigg, S. R.; Stein, T.; Sell, S.; Nigg, B. M. (2018). Biomechanical performance analysis of ice hockey skating based on a body worn accelerometer. Book of Abstracts of the 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), 4th - 7th July 2018, Dublin, Ireland. Ed.: M. Murphy, ECSS. 
Stetter, B. J.; Krafft, F. C.; Ringhof, S.; Gruber, R.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2018). Estimation of the knee joint load in sport-specific movements using wearable sensors. spinfortec 2018 - 12. Symposium der Sektion Sportinformatik und Sporttechnologie der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft (dvs) (Book of Abstracts), Garching bei München, 4 - 7 September 2018. 
Krafft, F. C.; Stetter, B.; Potthast, W.; Ellermann, A.; Flechtenmacher, J.; Eberle, C.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2018). Functional Adaptations of ACL Reconstructed Subjects in 90° Walking Turns. Book of Abstracts of the 23rd Annual Congress oft he European College of Sports Science (ECSS), Dublin, IRL, July 4-7, 2018. 
Krafft, F. C.; Ringhof, S.; Stetter, B.; Potthast, W.; Ellermann, A.; Flechtenmacher, J.; Eberle, C.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2017). Changes in Dynamic Stability after ACL reconstruction and Rehabilitation. 22nd Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science (ECSS). Essen, Germany. 5. - 8. July 2017. 
Ringhof, S.; Focke, A.; Heinrich, K.; Sell, S.; Potthast, W.; Stein, T. (2016). Effect of different knee brace designs on joint kinematics in ACL-deficient patients. 11th Joint Conference on Motor Control and Learning, Biomechanics & Training, Darmstadt, 28.-30.09.2016. 
Krafft, F. C.; Stetter, B.; Stein, T.; Ellermann, A.; Flechtenmacher, J.; Eberle, C.; Sell, S.; Potthast, W. (2016). Functional performance deficits six month after Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction. 21st annual congress of the European College of Sport Science, 6th-9th July, Vienna, Austria, University of Vienna. 
Ringhof, S.; Focke, A.; Heinrich, A.; Sell, S.; Potthast, W.; Stein, T. (2016). Effect of different knee brace designs on joint kinematics in ACL-deficient patients. Human Movement and Technology: Book of Abstracts - 11th joint Conference on Motor Control & Learning, Biomechanics & Training - Human Movement and Technology. Hrsg.: J. Wiemeyer, 47–49, Shaker Verlag. 
Krafft, F. C.; Stetter, B.; Stein, T.; Sell, S.; Ellermann, A.; Eberle, C.; Flechtenmacher, J.; Potthast, W. (2016). Multiple functional testing after ACL reconstruction. Human Movement and Technology: Book of Abstracts - 11th joint Conference on Motor Control & Learning, Biomechanics & Training - Human Movement and Technology. Hrsg.: J. Wiemeyer, 44–46, Shaker Verlag. 
Stetter, B.; Buckeridge, E.; Tscharner, V. von; Nigg, S. R.; Nigg, B. M. (2016). A novel approach to determine strides, ice contact, and swing phase during ice hockey skating using a single accelerometer. Journal of applied biomechanics, 32 (1), 101–106. doi:10.1123/jab.2014-0245
Krafft, F.; Kurz, G.; Potthast, W.; Stein, T. (2014). Auswirkungen reaktiven Sprungkrafttrainings auf die Sprungfähigkeiten von Volleyballspielerinnen. Leistungssport, 44 (1), 24–29. 
Krafft, F. C.; Eckel, M.; Köllner, A.; Wehrstein, A.; Stein, T.; Potthast, W. (2014). Reproducibility of Spatio-temporal and Dynamic Parameters in Various, Daily Occurring, Curve Walking Conditions. Book of Abstracts of the 19th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Amsterdam (Netherlands), July 02, 2014 to Saturday, July 05, 2014. Ed.: A. De Haan, 41. 
Richter, A.; Stein, T.; Sell, S.; Potthast, W. (2012). MBST (Kernspin-Resonanz-Therapie). 
Strutzenberger, G.; Braig, M.; Sell, S.; Bös, K.; Schwameder, H. (2012). Effect of Brace Design on Patients with ACL-Ruptures. International journal of sports medicine, 33 (11), 934–939. doi:10.1055/s-0032-1304634
Strutzenberger, G.; Braig, M.; Sell S.; Schwameder, H. (2010). Wirkung verschiedener Orthesentypen auf die passive Instabilität, die Stabilisation und die Kraft bei Patienten mit nicht operativ versorgter vorderer Kreuzbandruptur. Abstractband des 13. Kongresses der ÖSG 2010, Bruck an der Mur, 11.-13. November 2010. Hrsg.: S. Titze. 
Strutzenberger, G.; Simonidis, C.; Krafft, F.; Mayer, D.; Schwameder, H. (2010). Joint loading at different variations of squats. 28 International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Marquette, Michigan, USA, July 19 - 23, 2010. Ed.: Randall Jensen, 588–591, Northern Michigan University.